The following is from a submission by Stephanie Parish of Minute Man Arc.
Minute Man Arc, 35 Forest Ridge Road, Concord, will launch a new therapeutic program for children, TimberNook, which takes place outdoors, year-round.
It weaves the therapeutic benefits of being outdoors with child development and alternative education. The result is an unstructured play experience that supports every aspect of the growing child.
“We invite children with ability challenges as well as their typically developing peers to join TimberNook,” said director Sherry Kenin. “Programs are geared toward children ages 18 months to 12 years old and will take place at Conant Woods in Carlisle Center starting Sept. 17.”
Minute Man Arc’s four-season program is both inclusive and adaptive to children of all abilities and ages. By stepping outside, children can experience all of the developmental and educational opportunities nature has to offer.
For information or to register for TimberNook, call 978-287-7878, email Kenin at skenin@minutemanarc.org or visit minutemanarc.org or minutemanarc.org/programs/timbernook-an-all-inclusive-outdoor-program.